“Thucydides Trap” 是2018的熱門字,因為中美貿易戰幾乎是指向這個過去歷史中不斷重演的現象。
Tag: 經濟
Anti trust in the gilded age
In the generation of AI, there’s the cultural differences between east and west, but more importantly will be the problems that can only be resolved globally
AI 新世界,會看見文化差異和國家競爭,但最終重點會是全球要一起解決的問題 (環境,經濟,社會)
“If we cannot define what we mean by value, we cannot be sure to produce it, not to share it fairly, not to sustain economic growth. The understanding of value, then, is critical to all the other conversations we need to have about where our economy is going and how to change its course.”
How logistics impacts globalization and geopolitics
Guess we’re not as rational as we thought
How it fueled that unprecedented growth
I got this from Osama Bin Laden’s reading list
The insanity of Wallstreet
The other part of his theory that’s been shadowed