The Sleepwalkers 夢遊者

今天是第一次世界大戰導火線點燃100週年, finished this book right on time !

On the morning of 6/28,1914, when Archduke Ferdinand and his wife arrived at Sarajevo, Europe was at peace. 37 days later, it was at war. The conflict that resulted would kill more than 15 million people, destroy 3 empires, and permanently alter world history

“The protagonists of 1914 were sleepwalkers, watchful but unseeing, haunted by dreams, yet blind to the reality of horror they were about to bring into the world”


殺手#1 臨陣怯場,失敗

殺手#2 投出炸彈打到路燈彈開。想吞炸藥但品質太差死不了。縱身跳河但夏季水位太低(13cm) 淹不死沖不走,當埸被逮捕,失敗

殺手#3 年紀最小只有16歲(天啊,跟公司隔壁高職小朋友一樣大),太害怕不敢動手,失敗

殺手#4 要從口袋拿出炸彈但人潮太擁擠拿不出來,失敗

王儲夫婦到市府參加典禮,市長被突發狀況搞得太緊張不敢改講稿,於是說了”我們全市市民滿心歡喜,熱忱的歡迎陛下…”的可笑演講 (人家才剛在這裡被丟炸彈)


中文版 “夢遊者:1914年歐洲如何邁向戰爭之路”

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