The Importance of being Earnest 不可兒戲

A bit of Irish/English humor for the long weekend. LMAO!

Love the mockery of the 19th-century elite class and how ridiculous the aristocrats in the Victorian period might seem in modern days. Such as the two gentlemen fighting over muffin, and how one girl puts 4X sugar into the other girl’s tea when she was upset with her.

第一次嘗試讓有聲書讀劇本給我聽。 1895 年的諷刺喜劇,敘述兩位紳士為了把妹搞出來的烏龍,最後歪打正著以喜劇收唱,巧妙地成為劇名的雙關語。貴族們的裝模作樣現在聽起來格外好笑,也很佩服”說書人”用聲音講故事的能力。

中文版: “不可兒戲”



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