The Birth of Kindergartens 幼兒園的誕生

一位受建築訓練的德國人,在19世紀創造了幼兒園,影響無數人。書本最後引用兩位知名建築師 Frank Lloyd Wright 和 Le Corbusier 論述幼兒園玩積木對他們深遠的影響。從早起幼兒園“教材”的設計,處處可以看得到建築師的影子。

The story of how the architect turned educator Friedrich Froebel created the idea of kindergarten, the 8 guidelines that his protege drafted in 1859 was truly revolutionary

“Play is the purest, most spiritual, product of man at this stage, and is at once the prefiguration and imitation of the total human life — of the inner, secret, natural life in man and in all things. It produces, therefore, joy, freedom, satisfaction, repose within and without, peace with the world. The spings of all good rest within it and go out from it.”

Natural needs of earliest childhood, 1859
Bertha von Marenholtz Bulvow

  1. The need for physical movement (身體活動)
  2. ‎The need to occupy oneself in a plastic fashion (運用多種技巧完成任務)
  3. ‎To create and develop artistic faculties (藝術創作)
  4. To know (with curiosity and observation) (從好奇心和觀察中得知識)
  5. ‎To cultivate and care for through gardening(能照顧和栽培)
  6. ‎To sing, and develop feeling and esthetic taste (唱歌,從中培養情感和品味)
  7. ‎To live in society (融入群體)
  8. ‎To find the reason behind things, to find God (找尋事物背後的起源– 上帝)

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